Nordic PGDay offers a great chance to reach PostgreSQL professionals and community members in the Nordic region.
Our Partners

CYBERTEC is an all-in-one IT service provider, with a wide range of products and services with more than 20 years of PostgreSQL experience.

PGX provides expertise with a full range of database services in any environment: on-prem, cloud, and fully-managed services.

As an Open Source specialist and digital societies builder we contribute to the sustainable development of societies.
Our Supporters
Nordic PGDay offers a great chance to reach PostgreSQL professionals and community members in the Nordic region. We offer two levels of exposure: Partner and Supporter.
Partner level Sold out!
Partner is the level offering maximum visibility with on-site benefits like exhibition stand and access to the sponsor track. Partner sponsorship costs EUR 1800 + VAT and is limited to 5 sponsors.
Apart from being allowed to use the endorsement "Partner Sponsor of Nordic PGDay 2024", all Partner sponsorships come with these benefits:
- Logo with description on the website
- Mention in opening/closing statement
- Signage (for example a rollup) at the venue
- Logo on shared display at the venue
- Exhibition stand in the coffee break area
- Option to present a 15 minute session in the sponsor track
- Logo on attendee badges
- Opt-in attendee contact details
- Two vouchers redeemable for conference registration
Supporter level
Supporter is the ideal level for showing your support to the community. Supporter sponsorship costs EUR 500 + VAT and is not limited in number of signups.
Apart from being allowed to use the endorsement "Supporter Sponsor of Nordic PGDay 2024", all Supporter sponsorships come with these benefits:
- Logo on the website
- Logo on shared display at the venue
- Mention in opening/closing statement
- One voucher reedemable for conference registration
Free sponsorship passes
The free passes included in your sponsorship package are vouchers valid as payment for a normal registration. They are subject to availability and do not guarantee a seat, but require a registration.
Booth staff registrations
There is no special class of registration for booth staff, everyone at the event must be registered as either an attendee or speaker, and thus will also have access to all talks and venue amenities like lunch and coffee. Booth staff can register by redeeming one of the registration vouchers included in the sponsorship package, or using a normal paid registration.
Website exposure
Sponsor logotypes will be displayed on the site, per sponsor level, in the order of which the sponsorship was signed. The Partner logotypes will be displayed on the sponsorship page as well as on every page in the sidebar, Supporter logotypes are only displayed on the sponsorship page.
PostgreSQL Europe, which is the entity handling our payments, is since 2016 VAT registered in France, all sponsorship invoices are subject to 20% French VAT.